
I can not stop bragging about Jimmies. First and foremost in these covid 19 times you will feel 100% safe. I am a person who never liked training with weights & machines until I discovered Jimmies. This is is what you call a fun workout. The trainers are so patient & kind & encourage you all the way. After just 4 weeks I can't believe the results. I never thought I would say this but I am addicted.

“When the training feels RIGHT it is RIGHT. Almost 4 weeks in and now I’m up to 3 sessions per week and I have never felt SO GOOD IN YEARS...BRAVO to the team at Jimmies for helping me get to this point.....Strength Training and a newly found MOBILITY”

Jimmies Online has been a salvation in this odd reality. Management and instructors have adapted really well to make the training sessions available, efficient and fun. I feel stronger than I have in many years . Keep on doing what you're doing.

Not only 50-70! I am 71 and I have taken many online and onsite classes. Result: I am no Arnold Schwarzenegger but...I feel so much better about myself. I do something concrete about my health with people that respect my body condition and my capacity. The environment is conducive to exercise without loud hip hop music. Dahlia and Madison totally understand your needs.

Je suis enchantée de mon expérience! N'ayant jamais fait d'entrainement dans ma vie, c'est avec un peu d'anxiété que j'ai commencé à prendre des entrainements personnels que je prends à distance. Meilleure décision à vie, j'ai hâte à mes sessions et déjà après un mois je ressens les effets bénéfiques. Je recommande fortement Jimmies et toute son équipe.

It's my first time in a gym and I'm loving it!!! Can't wait to get there. Careful observation to my physical/emotional needs is proving a wonderful coaching experience. I'm strengthening my core to see me through. Defying the aging process ;)